Search Box

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A search box is available on some screens. It is located at the top of a table.  A simple search may be done by entering a number, phrase or date and selecting Enter.


Contract search


Field Names

There are specific search field names for each module. Using these field names narrows a search.


Examples of searching on "25" in the Contracts screen:

contract-no : S0025 searches only for S0025 in the contract numbers field.

quantity = 25 will only find Quantities equal to 25.

properties : 25 returns only records with value 25 in the Commodity properties of the contract.


Please refer to the Contracts, Deliveries, Inventory, Trade Finance/Collaterals, Cost Analysis and Clearance and Position Rolling sections to see a list of the specific search field names.


Searching using  - and +

Searching with “-“ and “+”works to search in numeric and date fields. It also works for all text-fields (e.g. on Contracts, Deliveries, Inventory).