Position Screen Filters and Configuration

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Select the word Filter to open the filter and configuration options.


Position filters


Filters Available

Checking an item in the list will display a column in the Position table with that information which is defined as follows:



A sum of all contract types.

Contracts to be fixed

Contracts that are not yet fully priced.

Contracts fixed

Contracts that have an outright fixed price when created.

Contracts priced fixed

Represents the to be fixed contracts that were priced with futures.

Contracts priced

Represents the contracts with a price (outright or price fixed).



Futures to be fixed

The contracts that need price fixing with futures still to be purchased. This is the same list as under the right column in the future hedge allocation.

Futures hedging

Future contracts allocated to a hedge "requirement". These are actually used for pricing/hedging/rolling.

Futures others

Future transactions either not allocated to a underlying hedge requirement or have been allocated to speculative or to a position.


Note:  At least one of Futures item filters must be ticked. If all are un-ticked, the screen reverts to having the default Futures column display and adds back the tick marks for all the Futures columns in the Filter list.


Quantity unit

Select the Quantity unit field to display the list of quantity options. Select an option and select-on Save. The screen will refresh and the quantities displayed will be in the selected unit.


Company to display

Select the Company to display field to list all companies you have access to view Position information.  Select a company and select Save. The screen will refresh and the Position screen will display information about about the selected company. Selecting All from the list will display information about all companies in the list.