Postition Screen Rows

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The first row in the table on the Position screen is a total of all amounts in all reporting periods plus the Stock, Delivered and Floating for each column.




On the Markets Tab, the rows below the totals show sequential futures periods, starting from the earliest period in which there is data. Each period is labeled in the format MMM-YYYY. The first 16 of sequential periods are displayed whether there is data or not for that futures period.


Agiblocks will show data for a later period but omits empty periods between the 16th sequential period and the later period for which there is data.


Position Market Tab Skip period


In the Deliveries tab, the first 3 rows show different types of asset data, Floating, Delivered and Stock following by deliveries in each delivery period.




Definitions of these assets are:



When a delivery has started and is in transit, it will be shown as a Floating asset on the Mark to Market and Position screens.


The Delivered row shows all quantities that are logistically delivered but one of the 2 sides is not yet priced.  Note that the total will typically be zero because for those cases there are always 2 sides (Purchase + Sale or Inventory + Sale).


When a delivery has been executed and is in inventory, the asset will be displayed as a Stock entry


Note: Inventory lot splitting is supported. When inventory lots are split, these will be shown individually in the Positions screens. Further, when a sales delivery has been fully executed and fully priced, this asset will no longer be reflected in the Positions screen.  


On the Deliveries tab, 16 rows after the asset types show sequential Reporting periods, starting from the earliest period in which there is data. The rows are then displayed whether there is data or not for that Reporting period. Similar to the Markets tab, when there is data for a period later than the 16th period, Agiblocks shows that period as well, but omits empty periods between the 16th period and the later period for which there is data.


Position Deliveries Tab rows