Deliveries Search

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The box at the top of the Deliveries screen is used to search for delivery records that fit specific criteria.  Searches may be done with or without using a search field name and operator to narrow the search.


Simple Text Search

You may type in a phase and select Enter to begin a text search.  Searching on 2017-D00004 will list all Delivery records in which has the text 2017-D00004.


Searches Using Field Names

Typing in a field name with a colon (:) and a phrase will search the field for that phrase.  Example: deliver-from : amsterdam   searches only for Amsterdam in the Deliver From field.


To make more sophisticated queries, replace the : in the field name with comparison operators:

 =                  Equals, so an exact match: delivery-term = CFR excludes CFRFO

 < and <=        Less and less or equal: quantity < 200

 > and >=        Greater and  greater or equal

 <>                Not equal


Examples: bl-no = 12345 will only find Bill of Lading Numbers equal to 12345. price >= 2000 will find prices greater or equal to the value of 2000.



Comparison operators can also be used when not specifying a prefix, i.e. >4000 will search all fields for a value greater than 4000.


Delivery Field Names

There are a variety of field names that may be used to search Deliveries. Generally if you can select a field to appear in the Deliveries table you can search on it.


Note: Searches may be done on logistic events for which you set the field name. The search term then uses this field name.


Some common search fields are listed in the table below.


amount =

archived =

ata =

atd =

bl-date =

bl-no ~

booking-no ~

containers =

containers-info ~

copies-received =

copies-sent =

customer ~

deliver-from ~

deliver-to ~

delivery-no ~

delivery-term-purchase ~

delivery-term-sales ~

drafts-approved =

drafts-received =

drafts-sent =

eta =

etd =

freight =

from ~

from-party ~

from-warehouse ~

from-warrant ~

gross =

net =

nominated =

originals-received =

originals-sent =

origins ~

parcels =

parcel-type ~

payload =

portion-in ~

portion-out ~

position ~

price =

priced ~

production-id ~

progress ~

properties ~

purchase ~

purchase-amount =

purchase-end-date =

purchase-period-type ~

purchase-price =

purchase-start-date =

purchase-warehouse ~

reserved =

reservedparcels =

reserved-parcel-type ~

sales ~

sales-end-date =

sales-period-type ~

sales-start-date =

sales-warehouse ~

specification ~

supplier ~

to ~

to-party ~

to-warehouse ~

to-warrant ~

transport-company ~

transport-no ~

vehicle ~

vessel ~


Searches may be done using multiple phrases or fields but in this case the search is done assuming an AND condition, meaning that the search condition for both phrases or fields must be true.   Example: purchase-amount > 2300 purchase-amount < 10000,  would return records with purchase amounts between 2300 and 10000.  A search with deliver-from = Santos deliver-to = Rotterdam progress = Preparing would show deliveries from Santos being delivered to Rotterdam with a Progress of preparing. eta > 11/01/2014 eta < 11/07/2014 finds contracts where the expected time of arrival of delivery is in the first week of November 2014.




However searching on progress = reserved progress = delivering will return no values as the search looks for a record with a progress equaling both conditions which cannot be true.  


To assist users, the search box shows a drop-down list of items beginning with the first letter typed.  Type "a" and it will show amount, archived, ata, and  atd.



Delivery search 1