Contracts Search

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The search box at the top of a Contracts screen is used to enter search information.  A simple search may be done by entering a number or phrase and selecting Enter.  A contract  date or delivery date or date range may be entered.  Trade or delivery dates entered are “sticky” and will remain until cleared or changed when selecting a contract and using the Agiblocks Back button to return to the search list


Contract search


Users also have the option to prefix a search phrase with a field name to narrow the search.



contract-no : S0025 searches only for S0025 in the Contract numbers field.

quantity = 25 will only find Quantities equal to 25.

properties : 25 returns only records with value 25 in the Commodity properties of the contract.


Note: An unspecified general search will not search through commodity properties or origins. Users can still search them by specifying the search phrase properties : or the search phrase origin : .


General search phrases are:

broker: name of a broker assigned to a contract
broker-reference-no: a number entered into the broker reference no. field on a contract
buyer : name of the contract buyer  
buyer-address : contract buyer address  
commodity : commodity name from a contract delivery line                              
contract-no : Agiblocks contract number                  
count-lines :  a number entered to find contracts with x amount of contract delivery lines
count-deliveries :  a number entered to find contracts with x amount of Contract deliveries
count-delivery-lines : a number entered to find contracts with x amount in contract delivery lines
counterparty-no:  a number entered into the counterparty no. field on a contract
delivery :                  
delivery-place :  final destination country                        
delivery-term :   type of delivery term (CIF, FOB, etc)  
internal notes:  text in the internal notes field of a contract (use ~ to search by contains)
logistics : logistics user assigned to the contract
origin :  origin location from a contract delivery line
properties : commodity property label
quantity : full contract quantity totaling all contract delivery lines
quantity-line : specific quantity in one contract delivery line
seller :  name of the contract seller
seller-address : contract seller address
status : Contract status (draft, approved, etc)
trader : name of the trader assigned to the contract


Date filters - these operate the same as the date fields (Date, From, Until)  at the top of the Contracts list:

contract-date =
date =
delivery-start =
delivery-end =
trade-date =


Two filters for Purchase contracts searche on P&L information:

Pnl : Total Profit and Loss value of a contract - This is a decimal number.
PnlQty : Profit and Loss value of one quantity unit of a contract. This is a decimal number.


There are filters allow users to specify the type of pricing used in a contract:

priced +/- : contracts entered as priced/or not
priced-any +/-: contracts with any lines entered as priced/or not
to-be-fixed +/-: contracts entered as to-be-fixed/or not
to-be-fixed-any +/-: contracts with any lines entered as to-be-fixed/or not
premium =  filters out contracts that are to-be-fixed and have a certain Premium/Discount value
ratio =  filters out contracts that are to-be-fixed and have a certain Ratio value


Some filters can be used to find how much still needs to be priced for the contract:

to-be-fixed-lots : filter on the total number of lots still to be fixed for the contract (excludes ratio contracts)  Note:  0 can be used to find all contracts that still have lots to be fixed.
to-be-fixed-lots-instruments :  (the contains option (~) can be used here.)
to-be-fixed-lots-periods :
to-be-fixed-lots-spread-periods :
to-be-fixed-lots-spread-left-periods :
to-be-fixed-lots-spread-right-periods :
to-be-fixed-lots-any : filter on the number of lots still to be fixed for 1 of the lines of the contract (excludes ratio contracts)
to-be-fixed-quantity: filter on the total quantity still to be fixed for the contract (includes also ratio contracts) Note: 0 can be used to find all contracts that still have lots to be fixed but includes ratio contracts, because in ratio contracts quantities are fixed rather than lots).
to-be-fixed-quantity-any: filter on the quantity still to be fixed for 1 of the lines of the contract (includes also ratio contracts)


Filters can be used to find contracts based on the general pricing status:

price-fixed +/- finds to-be-fixed contracts that are completely price-fixed
price-fixed-any +/- contracts that have lines that are completely fixed
fixed +/- contracts that are either priced or completely fixed
fixed-any +/- contracts that have lines that are either priced or completely fixed


To assist users, the search box shows a drop-down when they start typing. Type a c and it will show commodity, contract-no and contract-date.


contract filter for c


Entering contract-no : 2015-S001 returns all contract numbers containing the phrase 2015-S001.




To make more sophisticated queries, replace the : in the prefix with comparison operators:

 =                  Equals, so an exact match: delivery-term = CFR excludes CFRFO

 < and <=        Less and less or equal: quantity < 200

 > and >=        Greater and  greater or equal

 <>                Not equal


These comparison operators can also be used when not specifying a prefix.


Smart searches are possible by combining multiple phrases (which implies AND between search phrases):

quantity > 100 quantity < 600 searches for quantities between 101 and 599



quantity > 100  delivery-term ~ CFR trader ~134 delivery-place ~ Fos Sur Mer





delivery-start >= 1-jan-2015 delivery-start < 1-apr-2015 finds contracts where delivery begins in January through March in 2015




Note: The way dates need to be entered will depend on your browser configuration.  European date format puts the day first.  US format puts the month first.


Certain fields can only be searched with dates or numbers rather than text. When searching on such fields with something else, the data of the last query will remain and an error message is shown under the search field.




Note:  Usage of non-existing operators is not an error. quantity # 100 will be seen as three text fragments and search for contracts containing all three of them, without returning an error message.

