Creating a New Contract

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Creating a contract involves entering the following information:

1.Seller/Buyer information
2.Commodity information.  A contract may only be created for one type of commodity, but may have multiple contract delivery lines for different commodity products, origins or other specifications.  

Example: The commodity selected is Cocoa beans, but the contract can have two contract delivery lines, one with Big bags specified for packing while another has Bulk packing selected.

3.Delivery terms
4.Payment terms


To  begin creating a new Sales or Purchase Contract, select the Counterparties tile.

Start by selecting Counterparty company.


Counterparty selection



Select the Sales contracts or Purchase contracts tab and select Add Sales Contract or Add Purchase Contract.




A New contract screen will open (in this example, for Sales).  The seller and buyer information is automatically filled in.




Fill in the mandatory fields with Seller & Buyer information.
Select a specific user to handle logistic work (optional - this may be left blank.)


Continue with Adding contract delivery line information.