Logistics Parceling

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Cargo may be handled in inventory in parcels rather than in arbitrary quantities expressed in e.g. MT or KG. Examples of parcels are bags and containers. When cargo is stored in a warehouse or taken out of a warehouse, you can record the number and type of parcels along with the quantity;  the system will make sure that the quantities and number of parcels match (within a given tolerance).  Inside the warehouse it is also possible to change the type of parcels. This can be used when you need to record repackaging, packing, or unpacking, but also when originally the cargo arrived with unspecified packaging and these details became known only later.



-  cargo arrived in containers, but the containers are emptied and the cargo

  is now stored as bags (or as bulk).

-  cargo arrived in bulk and was put into bags


Parcel Types

Different Parcel types must be defined in Master data before they can be used in logistic operations.   Parceling type information is entered by commodity.  In addition to a parcel name and description, a standard quantity is assigned to each parcel type along with the quantity unit, quantity tolerance and a contract quantity deviation.


See the Parceling Master Data section for more information.