Parcel Types Master data

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The Parcel types Master data tile is found under the Logistics tab on the Configuration tile under the Settings tab of the Home screen. Select it to bring up the Parcel types screen.




A parcel type has the following fields:





Select a commodity from the drop down list to indicate to which commodity the parcel type applies.


Text field to enter a short name to display in drop down lists.  It should be unique per commodity.

Plural name

A text field used in messages about multiple parcels (e.g. LME Lots, Boxes, Bags).


A text field to enter longer text which is used in generated documents.

Standard quantity

A decimal field to indicate how much is typically in 1 parcel.

Standard unit

A decimal field to indicate the unit found in the parcel.


A decimal field that defaults to default 0%. The range is 0.00%-100.00%,

This will be used to indicate how much parcels may deviate from the standard quantity

Contract quantity deviation

A decimal field similar to Tolerance. The default is 0%, and the maximum value is the Tolerance. This is used to indicate if the contract can already deviate from the parcel quantity, which enables all parcels to be somewhat bigger or smaller

In a typical case, the contract is supposed to be about an exact number of parcels (hence the 0%).