Delivery and Transport Numbers

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Delivery numbers are assigned to each delivery form. This makes it possible to reference a delivery number for deliveries which do not have a transport.


A delivery number uses the current year plus a five digit number beginning with a “D”.  Example:  2014-D12345. There is one sequence for delivery numbers per fiscal year. At the start of a fiscal year, the first new delivery will get number 1, for example 2015-D00001. Subsequent deliveries will receive the next number in the sequence in the order they are created.


Transport Numbers equal Delivery Numbers

Transports created from the Transports screen will automatically create a new, “empty” Delivery to which delivery lines may then be assigned. If a Delivery is created without a transport, that delivery number is not used as a Transport number. Thus there may be gaps in the Transport number sequence on the Transports list screen.