Transport Section

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In the Transport section, the Route, Company and Shipment details of the transport can be viewed.




The default ETD and ETA dates are as follows:

ETD takes the most recent date of the delivery period of the purchase contract logistic delivery line.
ETA takes the most recent date of the deliver period of the sales contract logistic delivery line.


Editing a record

Select the Edit pencil button to enter Edit mode.
Update the Route, Company and Shipment details as necessary.
Under Route, notice the following fields:
Total capacity (default = used capacity)
Used capacity (cannot be edited)
Available capacity (calculated from Total capacity minus Used Capacity)
Under Company, note:
Both Company and Contact person needs to be selected from a drop-down box.
These are defined in Master data by the Agiboo administrator.
Under Shipment details:
The pricing currency is taken from the drop-down box.
The price is defined per Quantity unit defined under Route.
Select Save and close to save and return to View mode.
Select Cancel to disregard changes.
Select Save to save changes and remain in Edit mode.

