Relation VAT Numbers

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One or more VAT (Value Added Tax) or GST (Global Services and Tax) numbers can be added a Relation. This is done from the Edit relation screen.


To add a VAT/GST number, select the Relation record from the Relations list.
Select the Edit button from the App bar. This opens the Edit relation screen.
Scroll to the VAT / GST section
Select the Add new record button



Select the Country.
Enter the VAT / GST number in the next field.
For countries identified as belonging to the European Union in Master data, the VAT number will be automatically validated with the online VIES (VAT Information Exchange System).
Note: This European Union VAT validation system setting can be switched off to allow manual validation of VAT numbers for EU countries. Please contact Agiblocks Support for assistance.
For non-EU countries, a Validated check box is displayed. Checking this box manually validates the VAT/GST number.  This box must be ticked to have the VAT/GST number appear in a VAT / GST drop-down list on an invoice.
Select the green check mark to save the record or the red cross to cancel the operation.




VAT / GST Number Validation

Validated VAT numbers have a green tick at the end of the line and will appear in drop-down boxes elsewhere in Agiblocks.



Un-validated VAT numbers have a yellow warning at the end of the line and will not appear in drop-down boxes elsewhere in Agiblocks.



Select the Save Company button at the bottom of the Edit relation screen to commit these changes.



Multiple VAT numbers may be added, but only one per country.
Please refer to the Master data section on VAT Rates Master data setup and the Invoices section for more information on VAT and Invoices