Parceling Rules

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In several types of business, cargo is handled in chunks, not in free numbers of KG or MT. In such cases, cargo is stored in the warehouse as lots and users make reservations for a specified number of lots. During execution, it is necessary to record exactly which lots are being used.


Reservation and other logistics modules in Agiblocks can handle such parceling of cargo. Agiblocks can be configured with multiple types of parcels in three levels:

1.Level 1: Parcel Unity
Parcels are indivisible units. A lot/reservation/delivery can only have a whole number of parcels. It is possible to "open the parcels" of a lot by transferring the quantity into a lot that is parceled differently:
a.To get bagged coffee,  transfer the quantity of a lot with containers of coffee into a lot with bags.
b.To get bulk coffee, transfer the quantity of a lot with bags of coffee into a lot without any parcels.


The total quantity of a Level 1 parceled lot is the number of parcels times the pay-load per parcel (number of containers times weight of container, or number of bags multiplied by the weight of each bag).


3.Level 2: Identifiable Parcels
Each parcel has a unique code or number (for example, container numbers). Specific containers wont be selected during Reservation. However, container numbers must be chosen during Execution, and each number can only be used once.


4.Level 3: Quantifiable Parcels
Each parcel has its own quantity which must be specified during Execution. This means that the total quantity of the lot will be the sum of these individual parcel quantities. Since parcels are supposed to be more or less equal, a tolerance percentage is used. This indicates how much each parcel can deviate from the standard quantity of the parcels before an error message appears.