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New Table Under Logistics for Inventory Transaction History A new table ‘ram.Transaction’ is made available with historical information of all Inventory related transactions. This has field ‘InventoryId’ which establishes the relation with existing Inventory reporting table ’Inventory.
Payload Fields The payload and payload quantity unit fields from the Packing tab on a Logistics Delivery line have been added to the Logistics data model.
More Contract Fields The following fields have been added to the Contracts data model:
JASON Data in Agiblocks Reporting Agiboo has implemented a more efficient way of accessing certain Master Data fields using a JASON data implementation. Child fields in Master Data such as commodity properties can contain a large number of values. Instead of having a specific column for each value in the Agiblocks reporting database, data in these child records is available using a JSON format. The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format allows large amounts of data to load faster in reporting tools such as PowerBI. More about the JSON format can be found here: https://www.json.org/json-en.html More about using JSON in PowerBI can be found here: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/4621/using-power-bi-with-json-data-sources-and-files/
JSON Columns in Agiblocks 3.31.15
Note that the original 10 or 20 columns for these fields still remain.
Portion Numbers for Contract and Delivery Cost Items Portion numbers have been added to Contract and Delivery cost items. This allows them to be used to find costing detail information from the Contract (trader's budget) and Delivery(logistics) estimates information.