Portion Numbers in Inventory Reporting

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In the existing reporting table ram-Inventory the following fields were added:

1.PortionNumber – a unique identification of any quantity portion of goods from inventory. The number is constructed from the contract delivery line number from which the portion of goods were taken by appending numbers after a "/". Example- 2020-P0123/4.5/6:
a.It consists of a contract delivery line number 2020-P0123/4.5
b.followed by a portion /6 indicating it was the 6th portion delivered against this contract delivery line


2.FirstPortionNumber - portion number of the original purchased goods.  FirstPortionNumber fields are especially suitable for linking the inventory tables and the account entries / bookings.


Also, now the records of Floating Lots remain in Inventory reporting table after reaching 0 quantity.


Note: It is important to realize when you link GL data with ram.Inventory data that ram.Inventory reflects splitting of lots while the Accruals (and thus also the General Ledger) are not reflecting this. Splitting of a lot in 2 parts does not affect the accruals. However, if after splitting, one part is sold or moved, then accruals will be generated. This means that to link them you should not rely on linking via Portion Number but on First Portion Number or Goods Portion Number. All splits from the same First Portion Number or Goods Portion Number have the same value there in both sets of data.