Weight Note Bag Status and Custom Warehouse Warrant Numbers

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When you enter weigh note details for more than 1 line on the right side of a delivery to inventory, Agiblocks will first execute the full quantity into an inventory lot and then automatically split off the quantities recorded in the 2nd and further lines from it into separate lots. It then also automatically generates for each of these split-offs a sub-warrant number, by taking the overall warrant number and adding the same suffix as for the generated portion number (warrant-number/1.2, warrant-number/1.3, …).


Often, the warehouse specifies for each line in the weigh note separate warrant numbers, and in order to be able to communicate with the warehouse about these goods, you will need to use the number provided by the warehouse, rather than the automatically generated ones from Agiblocks.


Sub Warrant # Field

The following changes haves been implemented to permit custom warrant numbers to be entered while still keeping support for automatically generated sub-warrant numbers.

An extra text column called Sub warrant # has been added on the right in the weigh notes table in Execution tab of a Delivery. This is an optional field that displays the word Automatic by default.
If there is a custom or warehouse generated warrant number, enter this in the sub-warrant # field.  This will then be used for that lot.
If text is not entered into the sub-warrant # field, then Agiblocks will automatically create a number for that lot from the overall warrant #.  

sub-warrant field 1


sub-warrant field 2