Invoice Section Field Definitions

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Below is a brief description of the fields available under the Invoice section:


This is hard coded as a debit, credit or charge. Credit and debit invoice creation and editing follow the standard Agiblocks invoice creation standards, but when using cost allocation, only the peripheral costs are available (transport, banking, etc), not the purchase or sale cost items (goods).


Counterparty to be invoiced.
Note: A user can select another party on the Invoice than is noted in the Sale Delivery.


Recipient address.

Payment Term

The payment terms as agreed with the invoice recipient.

Invoice date

The date on which the invoice is issued.
Note: The Invoice date has to be the same as or later than the B/L Date. However, if creating a new invoice with period closure on and the Delivery Date is in the past period,  the Invoice date will default to today's date.

Due date

The date by which the invoice needs to be paid.

Posting Date

or internal companies linked to a financial system for outgoing invoices, it is possible to enter a specific posting date on the outgoing invoice. If no date is filled in, the posting date will default to the current date.  


This is available for all invoice types in a system linked to a financial system.


Invoice currency.

Invoice Text

Free text field to add additional information to the invoice.

VAT Country

Which country’s VAT will be applied.


This is the exchange rate to be calculated over the invoice amount. This field only displays if the invoice currency deviates from the country currency.  Example - if the VAT country is Switzerland (CHF) and the invoice is in Euros.

Note:  If an exchange rate for the different currencies in each country has been entered on the Currency rates screen, this default rate will be displayed.

Recipient VAT/GST Number

Counterparty VAT number.

Our VAT/GST Number

Internal company VAT number.

VAT/GST Clause

Free text field to record details about the VAT which can be printed on the invoice.

Bank Account

Bank account to where the invoice should be paid.  This field will show the payment bank for the invoice currency selected if a default bank for that currency has been set-up in Master data.

Payment Instructions

Free text field designed to record additional payment instructions.


Defines the status of the invoice (draft or complete).
Note: After status is set to complete the invoice will no longer be editable.

Sent Status

This field records if the invoice has been sent by mail or not.

User Name

The name of a user who created the invoice.

Linked Invoices

Field used to reference additional Invoices documents (if any).