Cost Items Section

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Cost Items can be filtered according to Delivery (contract number), Transport No, Reservation status, Invoiced status, Delivery Line (contract number), Counterparty and Cost Item.


Note:  Cost Item filter Invoiced status Not invoiced includes Partially invoiced.


To add a Cost Item to the new Invoice:

Use the filter to find to correct Cost Item.
Select the Allocate button at the end of the line.




This opens an Allocation screen.
Expected Total and Invoiced Amount are prefilled and cannot be edited.
Amount to Allocate is prefilled with the remainder which can be allocated. Edit as desired.
A Partially Invoiced cost item is created if the Amount to Allocate is less than the expected total and Invoiced is not ticked.
Tick Invoiced only if the allocated amount is the full amount to be invoiced.
Select Update to commit this change, or Cancel to revert.

