Invoice Numbering

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Invoice Numbering

Draft invoices are created with the letters "ISM" plus a document number. This is an internal Agiblocks system reference number only to more easily identify a draft or incomplete invoice.  This ISM number remains while the  the invoice status is incomplete.


This ISM number is replaced with the current year and the next sequential final invoice number when the invoice status is marked complete.


Since it is possible that some invoice documents may be canceled before they are completed, a final invoice number is only assigned when status is designated complete.  This is to prevent gaps in invoice numbers.


Note: Agiblocks has checks built in to guard against gaps in final invoice numbers.  However, it is normal that there may be gaps seen in lists of ISM numbers as draft invoices may be deleted or ISM numbers are used for incoming invoices.  There should be no expectation that ISM numbers are always sequential.