Portion Numbers

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A portion number is a unique identification of any quantity portion of goods, either from contracts or from inventory. The number is constructed from the contract delivery line number from which the portion of goods were taken by appending numbers after a "/".


Initially a sequence number, starting from 1 is appended.  Example:  /1

When portions are reserved or split off, they get incremental numbers.  Examples: /2, /3, /4, etc.


When a portion is delivered to inventory, an additional number 1 is appended. Example:  /2.1

And again when portions are split off, they get incremental numbers. Examples:  /2.2, /2.3, etc.


This portion number has been added as a column to the Mark to Market and P&L Insight details screens.


Portion number in MtM


The portion number will also appear in an Excel download from the Mark to Market or P&L Insight screen.


Portion number in Excel Export


Portion numbers are also displayed in the header of a Delivery line.