Delivery Execution of Quoted by Content Premium

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During execution, the following happens:

For a Sales delivery, the first quantities are read-only, filled from the Purchase delivery.
The Customer can fill in their Gross, Tare and Net quantities.
The average quantities are listed below.
The Supplier % for the Fat commodity element is copied from the Purchase delivery to the Sales delivery.
The Customer can enter their own percentage, and the average percentage is used as Settlement percentage.
It is possible to enter two different settlement percentages, so it is possible that the Supplier and the Customer have different Final prices. This is detailed in a different section below.
Enter the chosen Quoting mechanism price.
Once the execution is saved, the final price will update.
Final Price = (Quoted Price + Premium) + SUM (Percentage Deviation x Content Premium).
SUM refers to summing the premiums across all commodity elements.

