Pricing Based on Quoted with Content Premium

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In this pricing model, the price quoted by a recognized industry leader is used instead of a fixed price. A premium can also be applied to this quoted price. A premium value can be added to the quoted price for every percentage point defined commodity elements deviate from the contract stipulation.


For the Quoted with Content Premium pricing model, additional configuration is required in Master data. Please see the Commodity Quoting section under Master data for more information on where the recognized authority is defined.


If Commodity elements are configured for the commodity, you can select the Quoted with Content Premium pricing model from the Pricing type drop-down menu when creating a new contract.


When this pricing model is selected:

The quoting mechanism is entered as per the Master data set-up described above.
A premium can be added to the quoted price.
A premium by content value can also be added. This will be multiplied by every percentage point the commodity element exceeds the contract specification.

