Delivery Execution of Premium by Content

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During delivery execution, the Deliveries values default to the contract values. You can change this to the actual values for weight and commodity element percentage. In the example below:

An extra percentage point of both Fat and Dry Matter was delivered, above the contractual specification. The Fat percentage has been changed from 40% to 41% and Dry Matter from 35% to 36%.
The Settlement percentages are 40.5% and 35.5%.
Final price automatically updated from 200.00 EUR/KG to 200.03 EUR/KG.
Final Price = Fixed Price + SUM (Percentage Deviation x Content Premium x Unit Conversion Factor).
SUM refers to summing the premiums across all commodity elements.
A unit conversion factor applied if necessary (from KG to MT, for example).
A content premium of 3 EUR/KG was entered for the Fat commodity element and 2 EUR/KG for Dry Matter.
The final price is therefore 200.00 + (0.5% x 3) + (0.5% x 2) = 200.00 + 0.015 + 0.01 = 200.03 EUR/KG.

