Customs Tab

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Under this tab, the Customs details can be managed.


The fields are read-only until "Customs clearance for" (Import or Export) has been selected.
The underlying information in the drop-down boxes are stored in Master data and managed by an Agiblocks administrator.
Select the green check mark to save.
Select anywhere outside this section to cancel.




A customs clearance status is carried through the delivery processes. This makes it available on invoicing to help users chose the right VAT rate.


The Customs Clearance fields Import/Export and Customs clearance date are used to derive a status that will then show on the invoice line of an invoice screen:




There may be 3 status values using the following rules:

•        Export + no date: Not cleared for export

•        Export + date: In transit

•        Import + no date: In transit

•        Import + date: Cleared for import