Create a Transport from the Deliveries Screen

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This can best be done by filling in the transport section on a Delivery Form to create a transport.


A Transport can be created directly from within the Deliveries tile.

Select the Deliveries tile, then the New button in the top right App bar.
For this example, filter for Destination Cape Town.
There are Reservations listed for that destination, but no Transports.
Under Quantity to Assign, enter transport Mode and Capacity then select New.




This creates a new Transport for this Delivery from Vitoria to Cape Town.




Additional Reservations can now be added to this new Transport if desired.
Save the new delivery line to commit the Reservation to the Transport.
This adds the delivery line to the bottom of the list of Deliveries.
Since this was a Sale, it would be under the To Deliver list. Use a filter to find it if necessary.
Additional information on this new Transport can be added by editing the Transport.