Weight Terms and Franchise Entry


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Note: Franchise information should first be entered into the Weight terms Master data.  Once available, a trader can enter franchise information after a tolerance when entering or editing a contract delivery line.  This information is optional. It will only be displayed if Weight conditions are defined for the selected commodity.


Entering Weight Terms and Franchise Information in a Contract


After selecting a commodity with Weight conditions, two additional fields will appear:


Weight terms

A drop down list will display all values for that commodity. The field is required but empty by default unless there is exactly 1 term which is then the default.  

Weight conditions

The second drop down list shows all Weight conditions for the selected Weight terms.


Note:  For these commodities, the tolerance default is that of the tolerance for the selected weight condition.  




If a Weight condition has a Franchise value, a Franchise field is displayed under the tolerance field. It is prefilled with the default Franchise value entered on the weight condition. The franchise value may be edited is not required.


Note: If the weight condition changes, the selected Tolerance always overrides the value in the contract delivery line.