Contract Delivery Lines and Delivery Line Numbers

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Numbers for deliveries on contracts and delivery lines in the logistics modules are unique and sequential.


Note: If a delivery or delivery line is specifically deleted, that number will not be re-used nor will the other delivery line numbers change. This keeps all delivery line numbering unique.



Look at the 4th delivery of contract 2013-S0123 and its delivery line for the 2nd contract delivery line:

For delivery: 2013-S0123/4
For delivery line: 2013-S0123/4.2

On the contract form screen, the delivery numbers are shown on the delivery screen.


Example of a single product contract with 3 deliveries.



Example of a multi-product contract with 3 products in one delivery.



This numbering then extends over to the Delivery module. Here delivery lines will not have a new number but have the same number as a contract delivery.


