Company Permissions

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The Company permissions section controls access and functionality for multiple areas within Agiblocks.  This includes internal companies, counterparties and relations.


Company permissions 3.29.2


Permission name


Edit company address  

Add and edit information in the Delivery/Address section in counterparties, relations and internal companies screens.

Edit company bank accounts

See and edit information in the Bank accounts section of counterparties and internal companies.

Edit company broker account numbers

See and edit information in the Exchange broker account section for internal companies.

Edit company contacts

Add and edit contact information for counterparties and internal companies.

Edit company cost items

See and edit cost item information for internal companies.

Edit counterparty company

Add counterpartries and edit counterparty information.

Edit credit risk  

Add and edit credit risk information for a counterparty.

Edit internal company

Add internal companies and edit internal company information.

Edit relations

Add relations and edit relation information.

Manage certifications

To view the certifications button on the counterparty and internal company screen which allows access to add and edit the Certifications screen.

Manage counterparty attachments

To view and manage the contents of an attachments folder for a counterparty record.

Mange internal company attachments

To view and manage the contents of an attachments folder for a internal company record.

Manage relation attachments

To view and manage the contents of an attachments folder for a Relations record.

View company contracts

To see sales and purchase contracts made with a counterparty in a table in the counterparty screen.

View company details

To see company address and contact information at the top of the Companies, Relations and Internal companies screens.

View counterparty companies

To see the Counterparty tile on the Start menu and to see information on the counterparties screen.

View credit risk  

To see credit risk information on the counterparty record screen.

View internal companies

To see the Internal companies tile on the Start menu and to see the internal companies screen.

View quotes

Obsolete - no longer used.

View relations

To see the Relations tile on the Start menu and to see the relations screen.