Broker Statement Upload Set-up for Consultants

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This is a quick guide to Agiblocks Consultants on how to implement the Broker Statement Upload for a customer.


Create a Relation of Type Broker


The first step is to ensure at least one Relation of type Broker exists. This is managed under the Relations tile on the Home screen.


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It needs to be of type Exchange Broker to appear in the list of Brokers from which a statement can be uploaded. (There is also type Commodity Broker - these do not appear in that list).


If a new broker needs to be added, ensure that the “Exchange Broker” box is ticked.


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Matching Tag - Important Not to Forget!


On the Settings, Configuration, Risk, Future instruments screen, the matching tags must be entered.

Take the following example for the Sugar market:


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This specific matching tag is used to associate with the Instrument Long Name field on the Broker Statement.        


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The customer needs to contact their broker to request that the broker formats the statement for correct import into Agiblocks. The following formats are accepted:


Format 1


File,Latest Run Date,Trade Status,Trade Date,Entry Date,Ledger Code,Ledger Name,Market Code,Instrument Code,Instrument Long Name,Trade Type,Option Type,Delivery/Prompt Date,Buy/Sell (Cleared),RANsys Serial Number,Currency Code,Charge Currency,Lot Size,LME Session Code,Volume,Price,Strike,Net Charges (sum),Net Lots (Cleared);


Example row:

TRADES,23/01/2015,INS,23/01/2015,23/01/2015,7793,(Customer name),CSCE,NSU,SUGAR NO.11,FUTURE,,31-Mar-15,Buy,5012314HC,USD,USD,112000,,1,15.37,,-5.52,3;


On the statement:


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All columns must be present. Data is mandatory in the following columns:



The date format for Trade_Date and Delivery_Prompt_Date should the same:  DD/MM/YY, where M = month, D = day, Y = year;



Format 2




Example row:

NE,16/07/2015,16/07/2015,,40,MAR 16 SUGAR # 11,17.25,USD,BR,COM;


On the statement:

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All columns must be present. Data is mandatory in the following columns:




Upload a Broker Statement


To upload a broker statement:

•        Click the Futures tile on the Home screen.

•        Click the Upload broker statement button.

•        Select a Broker company if defined.

•        Click Select to open an upload screen.

•        Select and upload the broker statement.

•        The system provides a message whether the upload has been done successfully or not.

•        When the upload was successful, the Future contracts will be visible in the main screen.


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Delete Uploaded Broker Statement


It is possible to delete an uploaded broker statement. Each upload is recorded along with the futures created. A new permission called “Manage futures upload” controls access to a button on the existing Upload page. This leads to a new screen which lists previous uploads. Each row has a Delete button which deletes the upload and the related futures. If a delete fails (e.g. due to dependencies) it will show an error above the list. The functionality only applies to new uploads, not to older uploads.


Note: The delete of the upload cannot be undone! It will be the user’s responsibility to not delete futures traded in closed financial periods.


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