Handling of Bags and Other Types of Parcels

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Agiblocks now supports handling of commodities in parcels, such as bags, throughout the entire trade process.  In certain branches of commodity trade, like for example coffee trade, it is common to trade bags.  In Agiblocks, this is supported using what is called Parcels. Parcels can be bags, but also any other type of parcel such as cartons.


Parcels Master Data

Parcels must be configured in Master Data to use parcel information for trading activities.  For each Parcel Type in Master Data, it is possible to configure the relevant types of parcels, their typical weights and tolerances to be validated on data entry.




When parcel information is configured in your Agiblocks system, you can now use these parcels throughout the trade process:

oLogistic deliveries


All these cases provide calculated likely values for the quantities (weights) as a default that can be overridden if needed.  The information can also be used when generating documents such as contracts, invoices, and logistics documents.



When entering a new Contract you can enter the quantity in terms of parcels. Agiblocks will then calculate the typical weight for this number of parcels and use it as a default value for the quantity fields. You can still override these in cases when you need to buy or sell bags with a slightly deviating weight.  Example:




In case you create a contract with multiple contractual deliveries, the number of parcels entered will be evenly distributed over those deliveries. You can still change this of course on the deliveries.


When generating a contract document, the number of parcels and parcel type can be included, by having the contract template adapted. See Document Template Guide for details.



On the Reservations page, if you select either a Contract or inventory lot that has parcel information, then it is possible to enter the quantity to reserve in terms of the number of parcels.  A proportional reserved quantity from the inventory or purchased goods will be calculated as a default. However, you can override this (provided you stay within the configured tolerance).




For Reservations against contracts it is also possible to deviate from the contractually agreed type of parcels that is selected by default. In case of a partial reservation, the reserved quantity is leading to recalculate how much remains to be received/delivered under that contract.



When executing a delivery, it was always possible to record bags and other types of parcels next to the quantity. Now, when using it, the related quantities are automatically given a default proportional to actual goods. E.g. when you have inventory for a 100 60 KG bags with a total weight of 5994 KG rather than 6000 KG, then taking from that 50 bags will give you a default quantity proposed as 2997 KG.   Example:

