Add New Users

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Agiblocks users are added to an Internal company.


Select the Internal companies tile under the Start tab of the Home screen.  



Select the correct internal company.
When the Internal company screen loads, select the Edit button on the App bar in the top right corner.
Scroll down to the Contacts section and select Add new record.  An in-line edit area will open.




Fill in the users's name, email address and any other additional information.
Tick the Attach user box. More fields will appear.
Add a user name.  This name must be unique.
Add the user's initials (Optional).
Select one or more User Roles for this person.
Tick the User enabled box.
Enter a password for the user and enter it again to confirm it.
To save the record, select the green check mark in the bottom left of the light blue New user section.
Select Save and close at the bottom of the screen.


The new user is added and can now be used. For a definition of Roles see the Roles section.