Workflow of Logistic Events

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An asset is split when the delivery is created. This allows logistics costs saved before the Point of No Return to reflect on the Mark to Market and Position screens.


Logistic events are called Progress in the Deliveries screen and Status on MTM and Position screens.


There are five execution statuses:


The goods listed on the contract or inventory, available for reservations.


A match has been made between an incoming delivery, storage/inventory or an outgoing delivery.


A delivery has been created for the reservation.


When the Point of No Return is reached - the goods are in transit.


Once executed - the goods have arrived.




To clarify the workflow:

An asset starts off in the status Open. This is listed on the MTM and Position screens but not on the Deliveries screen.
Create a reservation to change the status to Reserved.
Create a delivery to move it into the status Preparing.
Tick the Point of No Return event to change the status into Delivering.
Tick the Execution event to update to the final status of Delivered.


The following three screenshots track the same delivery lines in the Butter EU position for September 2014. In both MTM and Position screen, there are three in status Open, one in status Preparing, one in status Delivered.





In the Deliveries screen, the three Open lines are not displayed. One has progress Preparing, the other one’s progress is Delivered.





On the Sales contract risk tab, the same status is repeated:

