View and Edit an Invoice

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To view an invoice, select the invoice number on the right in the Invoices list.

The invoice record will open in View mode on a new screen.


To edit an existing invoice, select the Edit command line button on the left of the record.

The record will open with the Invoice section open in Edit mode.  


The following command line buttons are available:

For Outgoing status draft, the buttons are Attachments, Generate, Edit and Delete.
For Outgoing status complete, the buttons are Send, Attachments, Generate and Edit.
For Incoming status draft, the buttons are Attachments, Edit and Delete.
For Incoming status complete, the buttons are Attachments and Edit.
For Deposits marked not paid, there is an button for Mark as Paid.
For Deposits marked paid, there is an button for Mark as Not Paid.


The current invoice screen records line item costs and the total amount to be invoiced. The costs associated with the invoice uses a structure similar to the existing commodity costing sheet on the Sales and Purchase Contracts.


The functionality in the Document section for adding clauses and generating an invoice document is similar to those operations in a contract.