Unused Contract Quantities

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In certain situations, a contract may show an amount in the Contract Delivery tab which is labeled as "unused".  There are three ways in which unused amounts may appear in a contract:


1. Manually set an unused amount using the edit function on the Delivery tab of a contract

A user with edit rights may edit the Contract Delivery tab and enter an unused amount on a specific deliveryline.




2. Delete a reservation

Deleting a reservation will put the amount back to unused in a contract delivery line.


3. The last delivery on a contract with tolerance does not match with expected delivery amount

If the execution quantities are entered in the Execution tab of a Delivery and the current delivery line is clearly the last one (there are no reserved quantities and the remaining balance is positive and within tolerance, a check box for "Delivery complete" is shown under the Balance. This is checked by default.  Leave it ticked to have the remaining positive balance marked as Unused.