Understanding Portions

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“Portions” represent logistic splits of goods quantities from a contract delivery line. Examples of portions are reservations or inventory lots.


Sometimes portions will be identical, having the same values in all fields.  To be able to properly display or make calculations with these portions, Agiblocks includes a portion number as a unique field in contract delivery lines numbers. Each portion of a contract delivery line or warehouse lot gets its own number, so a reservation has 2 of these: 1 per side (unless to destination).


For contract delivery lines this number is created by adding /1, /2, /3 ... to the normal contract delivery line number.  For example when contract 2017-P0036 is created:


the initial open portion gets 2017-P0036/1.1/1


When you do a full reservation from this, the portion keeps the same number inside the reservation. But when a portion is split off by creating a partial reservation, Agiblocks gives that portion the next integer number (2,3,4,....), so that would be 2017-P0036/1.1/2 and so on.


Note: When a reservation is deleted, it cannot be merged back in the original lot from which it was taken.  When after delete of a reservation the lot is merged back then the number it previously had is lost and will not be reused (so there will be a gap in the numbers).