Transport Archive

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A transport may be marked as archived when all delivery lines of all deliveries of a transport have been executed and the execution event on them marked as completed. Once this state is reached, a check box in the status section of a Delivery labeled Archive can be edited.   If one or more of the deliveries is not yet complete, N/A will appear in the Archive field.


Archive field

Checking and saving the section will archive the Delivery record.  The date/time and user who marked the transport as archived is also saved.  Any user with both Edit transport status and Edit delivery status permissions can archive transports.


Once archived, a transport and all its deliveries and delivery lines will no longer appear in the transport lists or deliveries list. However,  archived transports can be viewed by setting the Archive filter to “Yes”.



All sections of an archived item will be read-only except the status section. To edit the Status section, select the Edit button for the Archive section and un-tick the archive check box. Save to display the archive section again along with the date time and user who un-archived it.