Transactions Link and Transactions Screen

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Transactions Link on an Executed Delivery

Once a delivery has been fully executed, you will now see a link on a Delivery execution tab called Transactions.



Selecting this link brings up the Transactions screen.


Transactions Screen

The Transactions screen shows a list of all actions taken against a delivery.




Newest transactions are at the top.  The screen is split into left and right sides of a delivery:


LEFT side of the Transactions List:

Above the table is the portion number from the source lot. The columns contain:

Arrow indicating an execution   (right arrow) or reversal  (left arrow).
Document - Document number
Tr. Date - Transaction date
Number – Quantity of parcels or bags (if used)
Parcel – Type of parcels or bags (if used)
Net/ Tare / Gross  - The net/tare/gross quantities
Unit – Type of quantity


RIGHT side of the Transactions List:

Above the table is the portion number from the destination lot.  These columns contain:

Arrow indicating an execution   (right arrow) or reversal  (left arrow).
Document - Document number
Tr. Date - Transaction date
Number – Quantity of parcels or bags (if used)
Parcel – Type of parcels or bags (if used)
Net/ Tare / Gross  - The net/tare/gross quantities
Unit – Type of quantity