Reservation Matching Indicator - Traffic Light Colors

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Reserved lots in the Reservations list show a traffic light color to indicate good matches or deviations.  




Good matches will be indicated with a green circle. All specifications here will be fully open or an exact match.
A yellow circle indicates there may be a possible problem with the match.  This usually happens if there are variable parameters in the contract.



Red indicates no match as there is a problem with matching certain properties.



Typically, yellow and red warnings will appear only if a match has been made with Reservation restriction off.
Agiblocks will allow these Reservations as there are often cases where deviations are needed, but with more visual feedback when there may be a matching issue.
Specific values for origin need to be declared at a later stage. This can also be done at when making a Reservation from the Edit function.AGIBLO~2_img157 AGIBLO~2_img158


The values selected when creating the Reservation are passed on to the Deliveries module and can still be edited on the Contract tab.