Inventory Permissions

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Inventory permissions control access to the Inventory module and to the optional Blending functionality.  Since Blending functionality is a system add-on for primarily the coffee market and is currently in beta, permissions for it may not be available on all systems.  




Permission Name


Blender process allocation

To allocate inventory lots to a blended lot on the Blender process allocation screen.

Edit blender process

To create a blender process and edit a Blender process form.

Edit inventory commodity costing sheet

To see and edit Cost information under the Financial tab of a lot form.


To edit an Inventory lot form.


To see the Inventory tile on the Home screen and to see information on the Inventory screen and Inventory detail screens.

View blender process

To see the Blender process allocation screen.


To see an Inventory lot form.


Note: Users who need access to Blending functionality will need all 3 Blender permissions to see the Blending allocation and Blending lot buttons on the App bar of an Inventory screen.