System Migration

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System migration permissions control access to importing and exporting Master data, external contracts and external cost sheets for contracts.   Importing contracts and cost sheets are functions only done for initial Agiblocks system set-up and these permissions are usually used only by Agiboo consultants.


System migration permissions


Permission name


Export Master data to Excel

Allows the Export button to appear on the App bar for Master data, Counterparty and Relation screens.  This button can then be used to download data to an Excel spreadsheet.  The format of the spreadsheet is Excel 2007.

Import contracts

Allows a user to see and use the Import contracts tile on the Connectors Tab of the Configuration screen.

Import costings

Allows a user to see and use the Import costings tile on the Connectors Tab of the Configuration screen.

Import Master data from Excel

Allows the Import button to appear on the App bar for Master data, Counterparty and Relation screens.  This button can then be used to import data from an Excel spreadsheet. The format of the spreadsheet must be Excel 2003 or higher.