Risk Data Definitions

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The following definitions will clarify what happens to data displayed by risk related modules (Mark to Market, Position, Realized P&L and Unrealized P&L).


1.Any asset is either realized or unrealized.
2.All unrealized assets are shown in Unrealized P&L, in Mark to Market and in Position.
3.Any (part of a) physical contract can only move to Realized P&L when its goods are sold in the sense of being delivered, having a sales price and having a purchase price.
oA (part of a) contract is treated as delivered when the sales delivery was executed and the delivery date is known.
oA (part of a) contract is treated as priced once assigned to a Full Pricing, and the priced-date is the date of the last pricing that it uses.
oA contract is also treated as priced when it was entered as Priced type of contract, and there is no priced date.
oThe realization date, is the last date of the delivery date and the pricing-dates of the purchase and sale.
4.Assets move from unrealized to realized when the realization date is today or earlier.  However futures are always added to the balance 1 day later.



Note: The definition of "Today" is based on the date of the Agiblocks system (server time zone and time).