Reservation Item Information

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A Reservation item for Purchase, Sales and floating is composed of:

The product and quantity
Specification options
The Counterparty involved in this sales/purchase.
Position name
The Delivery terms and destination
The locations or endpoints (origin and/or destination) of the shipment.
The shipment dates of the delivery.
The contract number (with a link to the contract itself). The delivery number is appended to the contract number. This better enables you to specify which contract delivery line is being reserved.
Valuation period
Futures instrument


Purchase Reservation Item

Reservation item description



The layout of information is different for Sales and floating reservation items.


Floating Reservation Item

Floating reservation item


Sales Reservation Item

Sales Reservation item


A Reservation item for Inventory has different information:

The Delivery terms and destination are replaced with a link to the warehouse where the lot is stored.
A customs clearance code may be shown.  These codes are:
IT = in transit
CI = cleared for import
EX = to be exported (not yet cleared for export)
A warrant number appears under the shipment date


Reservation item inventory