Reports Permissions

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Reporting permissions allow you to see the Agiblocks Reports tile and access OData reporting.




Permission name


Access OData EndPoint

You can use your Agiblocks login credentials (name and password) to access the Agiblocks OData reporting modules.  

Create report

Obsolete in Reporting 2.0 (From Agiblocks version 3.31.15 onwards.)

Delete report

Obsolete in Reporting 2.0 (From Agiblocks version 3.31.15 onwards.)

Edit report

Obsolete in Reporting 2.0 (From Agiblocks version 3.31.15 onwards.)

Import/Export reports

Obsolete in Reporting 2.0 (From Agiblocks version 3.31.15 onwards.)

Manage access to reports

Obsolete in Reporting 2.0 (From Agiblocks version 3.31.15 onwards.)

Render report

Obsolete in Reporting 2.0 (From Agiblocks version 3.31.15 onwards.)

View reports

To see the Reports tile on the Start menu.