Relations Permissions

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Relations permissions are found in the Company and Contacts sections on the Edit roles screen.  The following permissions apply to Relations:






Permission name


Edit company address

To see the Delivery/Other addresses section and add or edit additional addresses.  Without this checked, a user may only edit the main address.

Edit company contacts

To see and edit the contacts section in a relation screen.

Edit counterparty company

Permission is needed to allow relations to be added or edited.  

Edit relations

Shows the edit icon on the command line of the Relations screen and to edit relations information.

View company details

To see address and contact information at the top of a relations screen.

View counterparty companies

Permission is needed to allow relations to be added or edited.  

View relations

To see the Relations tile on the Home screen and to see information on the Relations screen.  It does not allow a user to access an individual Relation record.





Permission name


Edit contact address

To add or edit contact address information

Edit contact user

To add or edit a contact person's information.

Edit contacts

To add a new contact or edit an existing contact record.