Recommended Month End Process

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A good month end closing process should be established.  The following is a general check-list of actions that should be done within Agiblocks to facilitate month end closing.


Prepare for Month End

Process Futures that are expiring
oPosition rolling
oPrice rolling
oCheck Futures position
Process Options that are expiring
oCheck Options position
Other Preparation
oCheck accruals
oCheck invoices
oCheck Market Data
oPrepare market premiums / ratio information


First Working Day of a New Month

1.Confirm Market data values (Market values, premium, ratio, currency)
2.Close of business transaction of futures +allocation for pricing and hedging
3.Validate Position and Mark to Market
4.Reconcile Forex
5.Reconcile Inventory
6.Move Reporting Period
7.Check for valuation and reporting periods
8.Close the previous month/period for trade (check that all values = 0)
9.Open the new period doing the following:
a.Perform a re-estimation
b.Open the new period
10.Make a Mark to Market snapshot


Next 1-2 Weeks

Perform executions / logistics work for the previous period
Reconcile outgoing invoices from the previous period with any external financial system
Reconcile incoming invoices from the previous period with any external financial system
Check accruals and reverse if no longer applicable


Fully Close the Previous Month

When all reconciliations are done, close the previous period