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Under these tiles, all Trade Purchase and Sales contracts are managed.


Note: Lists of sales and/or purchase contracts lists made with a specific counterparty can also be found on a Counterparty record.


Contract Numbering

A contract number is composed of 3 parts:


1.It starts with the current fiscal year (e.g. 2016) followed by a hyphen.
2.Next is the letter "S" to indicate a sales contract or "P" to indicate a purchase contract.
3.The final part is a 4 digit number sequence beginning with 1.  Sales and purchase contracts each have different sequential numbers.  As a sales or purchase contract is created, it receives the next available number.




2021-P0003, 2020-P1029

2019-S0208, 2020-S0111


The number sequence is reset to 1 at the start of a new fiscal year.


Once a contract is created, it cannot be deleted, only canceled.  The number of a canceled contract may not be reused.