Production ID

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To enable track and trace of goods, a Production ID was added to identify each delivery of incoming goods. This ID will be kept by Agiblocks through all logistic movements and operations. You can enter this Production ID when recording the reception of a purchased goods.  This is a text field up to 256 characters.  When the purchase side of the delivery is executed, the value becomes read-only.


production ID


Agiblocks will copy this ID to inventory and further deliveries from that inventory.




Users can track & trace the movements and whereabouts of goods from that purchase easily by using the search facilities in Deliveries and Inventory. This allows finding the source of any problematic goods as well as tracing back where goods ended up.  This Production ID can be added to Agiblocks generated documents and is available for Agiblocks Reports.  Please see those guides for this information.