Pricing Confirmation Messages

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Each time a contract delivery line is priced, Agiblocks automatically generates a pricing confirmation message. The pricing information in these messages can then be sent in an email to counterparties.


Each message contains an overview of the partial pricings for that delivery line done so far.  Also included is the resulting weighted average price in the position currency and unit. The message lists the futures name, futures month, futures contract trade date and if they were bought or sold.  Once the delivery line is fully priced, the message also shows the result in the contract currency and unit, if those are different.


The pricing confirmation message text has the date the pricing confirmation was generated, the email address where it may be sent and the counterparty name.


Important: The email address is the one entered in the Counterparty's general information section, not the email of a specific counterparty contact.


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Pricing confirmations can be sent for partially priced contracts. If multiple pricings are created on the same delivery line then one message is updated with new pricing information, until it is sent. If a partially priced confirmation is sent and another pricing is added to the same delivery line, a new pricing confirmation message is added with the most recent pricing information.


Pricing confirmation is also possible for position rolling.


Note: If a full pricing line is deleted, the corresponding pricing confirmation is also deleted.