Position Rolling for a Single Contract

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A Position can be rolled to a Position within the same Futures market, or to a different Futures market. For example, from a Sugar #5 Position it is possible to roll to either another Sugar #5 Position or to a Sugar #11 Position. The latter is called cross-market rolling. The process is the same as for single market rolling, but additional information is displayed for a cross-market rolling.



An optional rolling requirement is created for cross-market rolling.
There is no difference in Agiblocks whether a rolling requirement for a specific contract was made from the Position Rolling screen or from the Contract Risk tab. Therefore, where the rolling was done will not be displayed on the Hedge Allocation screen.
Create position rollings at the latest before the expiration date of a future's period (e.g Feb 29) and allocate futures to the rolling requirements the next day (e.g. March 1st) or afterward.
Before closing a period, check the numbers next to the 'Quantity valuated with expiring futures' on the Period closing screen. A non-zero number means there are still tonnages valued against the expiring/expired periods, which needs a position rolling.
Agiblocks will only roll delivery lines with an open quantity and takes into account the contract quantity tolerance as a threshold. This avoids rolling very small remainders on fully executed contracts.  Sometimes a high contract tolerance level may leave a contract with a position unrolled if Agiblocks considers the remaining amount within the contract tolerance level.  Lowering the contract tolerance may be needed for Agiblocks to calculate that there is still a significant quantity open to be rolled.
Floating and inventory stock are not rolled automatically.  These must be rolled manually.