P&L Realized and Unrealized Information

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Users can see the 3 summarized values of the realized, unrealized and combined P&L for both snapshots as well as the change between 2 snapshots. So for each of these 3 P&L values you can choose to see 3 different values:

othe value for the main snapshot,
othe compared value for the other snapshot,
oand the change between the 2 snapshots.


In total these are 9 columns with P&L information




On the drill down level of individual assets:

Users can see these same 9 columns for the  individual contribution of every asset to the P&L values and to changes in the P&L values.
By clicking on any individual asset users can open a fully detailed field level comparison of that asset with the same asset in the compared snapshot.
In case an asset exists only in 1 of the 2 snapshots, you will see that it is 0 valued in the other snapshot.


All this data can be downloaded into an Excel file for further analysis. To support analysis, 2 more columns have been added to this export:

the snapshot date – this allows you to easily combine multiple snapshot exports in one file and create a pivot table across data sets from different snapshots.
the realization date – this allows you to see the date the asset is marked as realized (which is not necessarily the same as the date on which the realization was recorded in the administration, e.g. execution dates are often in the past).