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Period closure enforcement is a feature handle the monthly closure of each financial period for changes that would affect the realized and unrealized P&L in order to align information about past periods in the trade system and a financial system with each other.


When Period closure enforcement is activated, Agiblocks typically has:


all past periods marked as Closed,
all future periods marked as New,
only the current period marked as Open,
an intermediate stage Closed for Trading.


With Period closure enforcement, actions in Agiblocks are then restricted in such a way that the result of closed periods cannot be changed anymore and new trades cannot be entered prematurely for dates in the future. Additionally, closing periods may not be opened for the future, i.e. when reporting periods defined as calendar months, when in June, it is not possible to open a July period.


On the transition from one period to the next, duly authorized users can mark the previous period as Closed and the next New period as Open. Alternatively  they can also first mark the previous period as Closed for Trading and only later move it to Closed. This intermediate stage Closed for Trading can be used to:


Already block trade actions for that period, such as new physical contracts, futures, Forex contracts, pricings, as well as changes to market data (futures prices and currency rates).
While still allowing activities related to rounding up execution of physical contracts. Logistics staff can then still do things like executing deliveries and posting invoices inside that period.
As a result, this can be seen in the combined 2 month period as Open for Execution.